The Dana Hills Boys Lacrosse team is run 100% by volunteers. It takes the support of the entire DHHS boys lacrosse community to ensure our student athletes learn and grow both on and off the field. There are all kinds of volunteer opportunities available with varying levels of responsibility.
Meet the Parent Board
Team Manager/Treasurer: Mike Battaglio
handles general operations
manages team finances
Communications: Lisa Smith
oversees all team announcements & updates
manages all team inquiries including from parents, students and fellow teams.
Volunteer Recruitment
Fundraising: Kate Mallabon / Brian Pike
Student Donations
Community Fundraising
Business Partnerships / Advertising
Team Store & Consessions: Kate Mallabon
Manages team merchandise including the ordering of apparal, gear and promotional items.
Oversees the sales and distribution of items
Website/Social Media: Jennifer Hoeger
Manage Website and online inquiries
Coordinate messaging on our Facebook and Instagram platforms
Recruitment: Open
Develop recruitment plan for elementary and middle school students
DHHS Football and Soccer recruitment initiative
DHHS recruitment of freshman not playing a current sport
Game Day Operations: Open
Game Day Consessions
Game Day Music and other activities to build team community!
Student Interns
Social Media Student Coordinator: Kate Weinert
Manages all content for the team's Instagram account
2022/2023 Volunteer Opportunities
Open Board Positions:
Game Day Operations
Other positions available:
Business Banners Coordinator
This person would work with local businesses to advertise at the stadium during the lacrosse season.
Consession Stand Coordinator
This person would assist in scheduling volunteers and setting up/breaking down consessions at each home game.
Team Photos Coordinator
This person would manage team photos that are taken each each season. The person would also be responsible for creating small banners of each player to be displayed at the stadium.
General Support
General support volunteers will be emailed volunteer opportunities as they arise throughout the year.